稲庭うどん手作り体験Observing Our Factory

Inaniyu Udon with a history of over three hundred years,
Let's challenge you traditional craftsmanship as well!
You can choose from two experience courses.

You can be a craftsman Making Inaniwa Udon

Manufacturing experience course

You can experience each process of creation of Inaniwa Udon, such as tenai, twisting, which makes Inaniwa Udon strong and chewy. It is possible to send your Inaniwa Udon to your home after drying. (Sending fee is not included.) We are sure that this experience will be a wonderful memory of your trip.

受付場所 佐藤養助 総本店 (秋田県湯沢市稲庭町字稲庭80)
体験場所 別館 養心庵 (秋田県湯沢市稲庭町字稲庭20)
受付時間 11:00~14:00
休業日 年末年始など
キャンセル 前日まで
支払い方法 当日総本店にて受付・現金精算
TEL : 0183-43-2911(代表)
FAX : 0183-43-2921
E-mail : ys@sato-yoske.co.jp
備考 E-mailでのお問い合わせは、本社事務所営業日以外は休み明けのご連絡となります。前日のご予約やお急ぎの方はお電話にてお願いします。